Monday 20 February 2012

Life Rule #4

Do Not Lie
Lieing always makes your feel guilty, you might think you're the best lier ever, but it builds up guilt in your life. If you keep lieing it will make your life like a whole lie and you can't be able to feel good about your self. The story; "The Boy Who Called Wolf" has a big moral to it, If you lie Bad things could happen.

If you lie to someone it could make them believe bad things and it could scare them or make them sad. Like if you said Your mum died, for sure they would be really sad because their mum gave them life.

If you haven't read/heard of the book, "Thd Boy Who Called Wolf", I suggest you should read this book because it can show you what happens if you lie...
You might think this book is a baby book, but it does have a moral which will effect on your self.

You might think I'm stupid when I say these rules but they are effecting on me, which make me a better person so I guess you might want to listen to these and just follow this website so you can get more updates on Life Rules.

1 comment:

  1. Guys, I made a mistake on it. It's the boy who cried wolf. I do the posts on my iPad so they did a auto correction.
