How To Upload On Graal

It is really not safe to let other people upload your own customs, even if you think you might trust someone you really know (not real life)
1. Pick or make the head/body/shield/sword and save it some where you can find it easily.
2.Go to .
3.Put in your email, attach the file, and make sure you put in the right file type. Set Transparency is if you have a colored background. Don’t click on it if your custom is already transparent in the back!! Like for example, if you’re uploading any customs from a website, then you don’t have to click on Set Transparency because They might of already made the back transparent.
4.Wait for the admins to review it, If they say you can upload, upload it!

How Much To Upload:Heads: 20,000 gralats
Bodies: 10,000 gralats
Shields/Swords: 2,500 gralats
Public Shields/Swords: 1,000

1 comment:

  1. can u upload me one im koeey on graal and i need custom just pm me
