Monday 27 February 2012


Well, lately I've been making a head but I don't really want to put it up on the blog... I've only made the Front and Back of the head but I'm working on the sides... I'm gonna put A head band and some glasses on it to add a cool affect onto it

Sunday 26 February 2012

Doggy :)

Yorkshire Terrier
My First Doggy :) It's a Yorkshire terrier :P I put it in it's own Doggy Bag!I used my camera, which is a really good one to take pictures and do steady focuses to take the picture! :D I called it Chester.. It's soooooooooooooooo ADORABLE!

Saturday 25 February 2012

Happy 100 Views!

Hooray! My website has now 100 views!
I would like to thank all the people who viewed my webiste :)

My First head Preview :P

I know its actually been quite a long time since i've put one, but now Im gonna put one! 
 Do You like it :)
I hope you do :)
Nicki Minaj Hair Fashion 10 I just Love Her <3 She's good at rapping and singing <3 I love her style and hair <3

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Would you rather be......

A perfect person which is not a true person or a true person which is not perfect person:)
Who would you rather be?

A Tip To Be Original

You have to be YOU to be original.



La Rose
The Fragrance stays in the hand who gave the rose <33

Love ^_^

Heart of Heartsj

Creative Writing Competion

Well, at school my teacher asked my class if they wanted to enter this creative writing Competion where you can write a story/poem/Dairy entry etc etc...There's great prizes like holidays,books etc etc.... This Competion isn't just for my school, it's actually for the whole of the U.K..I really want to enter because I think I'm good at making stories and all that :D so wish me good luck :P


This cat is sooooo adorible :D
do u agree?

Tuesday 21 February 2012


You might not understand what I post because I use a iPad, not a computer(yet). I might use the computer to post and add stuff etc... But not all the time so please forgive me if you might not understand what I post...

Yum Yum!

Today is a very special day to christians.......
IT'S PANCAKE DAY!!or as the formal way to say it, it's Shrove Tuesday....
Did You have your pancake for breakfast?!I certainly did have pancakes for breakfast!

Christians celebrate this because it's near Lent, which means where you have to Give up something (not a person) and not have it for forty days. There a exception..... You can only have it on a Sunday..
They celebrate this because the believe that Jesus starved for forty days in the desert.

Lent ends at Easter Sunday.

What are you going to give up?
I'm giving up Shoe Shopping :(
Comment what you're going to Give up.

Life Rule #5

Be True To Who You Are & Show Who You Are

Don't change your self just because someone told you to.For example, if someone asked you to be someone you're not and and you do that, it shows the "Fake" You, not the Real you.

If you heard the song "Who You Are" By Jessie J, It tells you to be who you are and stay that way even if someone tells you to change. Even if you want to fit in with everyone. Nobody is perfect (Another song from Jessie j). Everyone is unique in their own way and they are special.

I suggest you don't change and be your self :)

Monday 20 February 2012

Life Rule #4

Do Not Lie
Lieing always makes your feel guilty, you might think you're the best lier ever, but it builds up guilt in your life. If you keep lieing it will make your life like a whole lie and you can't be able to feel good about your self. The story; "The Boy Who Called Wolf" has a big moral to it, If you lie Bad things could happen.

If you lie to someone it could make them believe bad things and it could scare them or make them sad. Like if you said Your mum died, for sure they would be really sad because their mum gave them life.

If you haven't read/heard of the book, "Thd Boy Who Called Wolf", I suggest you should read this book because it can show you what happens if you lie...
You might think this book is a baby book, but it does have a moral which will effect on your self.

You might think I'm stupid when I say these rules but they are effecting on me, which make me a better person so I guess you might want to listen to these and just follow this website so you can get more updates on Life Rules.

Life Rule #3

Words Can Hurt!
You might think when you say mean things to your friends it's a joke and they laugh with you, but if you go too far, it really can hurt their feelings.Bullies they do the same thing.Usually people become bullies because when they were young, they got bullied alot so now they want others to feel their pain by bullying others.

I Suggest You Don't Say Mean Words...

But if you know that you and your friend can really take the cuss, then maybe that is ok.

Life Rule #2

Stop Worring About Life and Just Be Happy! :)
You should always Share your happiness with everyone. It can make you a better person. EVERYONE should enjoy life and stick with what good things life gave you! Dont make your life harder if you start to worry.

As you get older, you will start to know what's best for you instead of other making YOUR decisions.

Life Rule #1

Before you get Married to someone, you use get to know them not just see someone and say "Let's Get Married". No you DON'Tbecause he might not be the right one and you might have to spend your whole life with him so I recommend you get to know the person.
Unfortunately, My husband used me to just to go onto the stage so now I'm waiting for the admins to make Divorce so I could divorce my husband and Move on with life. I CAN'T BELIEVE MY OWN HUSBAND BLOCKED ME!! >:0

Thursday 16 February 2012

Twinny and Tuip are now married! i even went to the wedding :D But i could get any pictures :(  Im getting married tooo :D


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